Monday, December 1, 2014

How to Stay in Shape During Nursing School

As many of you may know, I'm a huge lover of yoga. Doing yoga is my way of keeping active and in shape, which is vital to my success as both a student and future nurse. A career in nursing is a career in the health field. With this in mind we must remind ourselves that if we are going to promote wellness, we must be well ourselves! It is so important to stay healthy and active throughout both nursing school and the rest of your life. In nursing you will spend so much time on your feet. Being physically fit will make the physical demands of nursing much easier on your body. Here are my top tips for obtaining and maintaining your physical fitness throughout nursing school and beyond.

  1. Make time for fitness! Make time for yourself and your bodies health. If you want to be able to do well in school, you need the energy to do so! Exercise helps me to get a better nights rest and if I work out in the morning it gives me a buzz stronger than any coffee. 
  2. Exercise in the morning. By working out first thing in the morning, you aren't adding stress to your to-do list by holding off until the evening. Waking up an hour early each day and getting active will start your day on a good note and will give you a feeling of accomplishment. 
  3. Drink LOTS of water!! Staying hydrated is so important for everyone, Our bodies, and specifically our brains, are made up of mostly water. Staying hydrated also helps with digestion and other processes that go on within our bodies.
  4. Pack your own food. I know, I know, you're already so busy and it's so easy to just grab fast food. No! By packing your own meals and snacks for class or clinicals you save yourself money and you contribute positively to your health. 
  5. Find a hobby that gets you moving. About 1 year ago I fell in love with yoga. It helps me to both deal with stress and keep my body healthy. Since I've started yoga my flexibility and strength have improved greatly. I strongly suggest everyone give it a try or find a hobby that works for you.

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